Ditch Witch Zahn R300

The 30-horsepower Zahn R300 can be a compact loader, the best available, or a trencher, backhoe, vibratory plow, or multi-purpose tool carrier. With its unique Interchange™ connection, the front end becomes a specialized tool with productivity and performance comparable to a dedicated machine. CONTACT FOR PRICING.

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The 30-horsepower Zahn R300 can be a compact loader, the best available, or a trencher, backhoe, vibratory plow, or multi-purpose tool carrier. With its unique Interchange™ connection, the front end becomes a specialized tool with productivity and performance comparable to a dedicated machine. CONTACT FOR PRICING.


  • Mobile Height: 53.5 in
  • Wheelbase: 34.2 in
  • Mobile Length: 70 in
  • Width: 36 in
  • Ground Clearance: 5.3 in
  • 2 Cylinders
  • 27 HP